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Minutes - October 2019



T.H. Bell Community Council Meeting

October 2, 2019    4:00 PM    Office Conference Room



In attendance: Chairman Dr. Thomas Eskelsen, Principal Lenn Ward,  Natalie Bushman, Jessica Mcafee, and Michael Thomas

  • Welcome: Chairman T. J. Eskelson


  • Introductions


  • Elections were held and T. J. Eskelson was reelected as chairperson and Marcy Poehls elected as vice-chair.


  • Reviewed council purpose and dates of meetings.


  • Mr. Ward shared School Goals presented to the council


  • Students will show individual growth and progress in academic achievement in the core curriculum areas. Our goal is student growth and progress as well as improvement in the number of students that are proficient.


  • Teachers will be given professional development time to enhance our Professional Learning Communities (PLC) and to implement the school improvement plan. Our PLCs will continue to use data from assessments to modify and drive instruction which will enhance and support student learning.


  • We will lower class size to help decrease student to teacher ratio. We will accomplish this by purchasing additional class periods depending on numbers of enrollment.


  • Provide improvement and growth of student achievement through implementation of technology by going one to one with leased Chromebooks with Google licenses. This lease will cost $20,820.  This provides students to have a Chromebook at all times at school to broaden the opportunities for students to integrate, explore and apply technology within their academic educational experience.   Students will be able to take Chromebooks home to work on assignments and assessments.   Funds will also be used to replace, repair, projectors, Chromebooks, wireless access points that are available and being used throughout the school.


  • Mr. Ward also talked about Teacher and Student Success Framework (TSSA)


  • Purpose:The purpose of the Weber School District Teacher and Student Success Framework is to engage, challenge, and support all students. This will be accomplished through efforts directed toward teacher recruitment and retention, teacher recognition and leadership, and improved student performance and academic achievement.


  • Community Council will help develop the plan to spend $68,000.
  • Students have been trained in Crisis line,  CIPA Training, and the SafeUT Tipline.

Chairman TJ Eskelsen thanked all for coming and meeting was adjourned.