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Plan for College and Career Readiness

What Direction Are you headed in?


If the answer to this question is that you are not sure, you are in the majority right now.  One part of the requirements of the counseling department is to help you do a little searching for the direction that you might be headed.  This is what the Plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR) meeting is about. 

Plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR) 

All students and parents will be meeting with their assigned counselor for their annual Plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR) meeting.   As a counseling department, we are enthusiastic about meeting with all students in an effort to support and advocate for educational and career steps. This meeting should take about 30 minutes which will cover a variety of topics including grades, test scores, registration, high school graduation, and goals. Please be punctual and on time for your appointment.


The Counseling Department's planned schedule for PCCR's is as follows:

  • 7th Grade - September through December
  • 8th Grade - January
  • 9th Grade - A Group PCCR in February and will begin writing their 4 Year Plan for High School Graduation.


Parents are invited to attend individual PCCR meetings with their student and a school counselor.  For questions or more information regarding PCCR’s, please contact the T.H. Bell  Junior High counseling department at 801-452-4614.




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