T.H. Bell Awards
Minuteman of the Month award is a departmental award given to a deserving student nominated by his or her teacher for outstanding achievement and behavior. These students become candidates for the Minuteman of the Year.
Minuteman of the Year award is given to one boy and one girl from each grade, selected from the monthly winners awarded by teachers in each department.
THB Service Award is given to any student or staff or community member for outstanding service to T.H. Bell Jr. High School. Nominations may be submitted by anyone and are approved by committee vote.
Blue Bell Award is given to anyone who receives a first place in any district or state activity for an academic, athletic, or school sponsored extracurricular event.
White Bell Award is given to anyone who maintains a 3.5 GPA for all four terms of the current academic year.
Red Bell Award is given to students who earn a minimum of four “H’s” in citizenship all four terms of the current academic year.
Principal’s Award is given to a student in each grade who has demonstrated improvement in citizenship and academics.
Scholarship Medallion is given to 9 th grade students who have received a 4.0 GPA on their entire transcript through all 3 years.
Four Sport Award is given to any student who is named to and successfully completes the season in four of the following TH Bell teams: football, softball, volleyball, basketball, baseball, track, or NAL