Hope Squad
Students who serve on a Hope Squad have been identified by their classmates as trustworthy peers to serve as Hope Squad members. Hope Squads are comprised of students who are trained by our counselor's and staff to watch for at-risk students. They provide friendship, identify warning signs, and seek help from adults if there is a situation that needs further attention. They have been trained to recognize students that might be susceptible, and to let an adult know. They are the eyes and ears in a sucide prevention program with T.H. Bell Jr. High. HOPE Squad members are empowered to seek help and save a life. In the WSD, Hope Squad members have to have parental permission to be trained, and act as a hope squad member. Our counselor, Mr. Kennard is the advisor.
Hope Squad Roster 2023-24
Sara Abueloun | 7th | Jackson Mitchell | 8th |
Sara Abueloun | 7th | Jackson Mitchell | 8th |
Teagan Bird | 7th | Ashlyn Pierce | 8th |
Kennedy Jensen | 7th | Jackson Thon | 8th |
Paige Randall | 7th | Mia Thornock | 8th |
Eli Richards | 7th | Montauk Ward | 8th |
Asher Smith | 7th | Sonya Bennion | 9th |
America Solorio | 7th | Gwen Bowthorpe | 9th |
Leah Wade | 7th | Alise Callentine | 9th |
Julian Byrd | 7th | Leah Carey | 9th |
Logan Crookston | 8th | Kyler Langford | 9th |
Delilah Estes | 8th | Madden MacQueen | 9th |
Jenna Hall | 8th | Hazel Mills | 9th |
Tanica Langford | 8th | Kara Woodbury | 9th |
Shi Mendoza | 8th |