Attendance Information at T.H. Bell Jr. High
Attendance Policy
The student is responsible for being present in class and the "parent or guardian, or other person having control of any minor between six and eighteen years of age shall be required to send such minor to school during the regularly established school day in the attendance area of residence." Students are expected to be in school in each class, each day unless properly excused by the school and parent. The parent is expected to call or email the attendance office the day of the student’s absence to notify the school that they are aware their student is not at school that day.
(801) 452-4603
To check out your student you will need to come in to the attendance office to sign out your student and show picture ID. Only those on the emergency list will be able to check the student out.
If you have not already set up your account through the portal you are encouraged to do so. You will want to supply your email address and select Y for Grades, Lunch and Attendance. By doing this you will be notified by email each time your student misses or is tardy from a class, if your student is getting low in their lunch money and also the day mid-terms and qt. Grades are submitted you will receive them that night.
Truancy/sluffing is defined as absent from any part of a class or day without proper permission from parent and school (Weber Board Policy 4170). When truancy is determined to have happened, a parent will be contacted. Teachers may use their discretion whether or not class work may be made up.
Closed Campus
The policy of the Weber Board of Education requires junior high schools to maintain a closed campus. Students will be expected to remain on campus from 7:45 A.M. to 2:33 P.M. Students must check out at the office of the school when leaving and check back in upon their return. The Weber County Sheriff’s Department has enacted the daytime curfew ordinance which means that students who are not in their assigned classes and are not excused by a school authority or parent are liable to be given a citation. Parents and students will be required to appear in court as directed on the citation.
Sick Room
Parental contact will be made if a student becomes ill. Students may sit in the office until their parents pick them up from school. The sick room is to be used only after receiving permission from the office personnel.
Lost And Found
The lost and found is located in the attendance office. All lost and found articles should be turned in or reported missing immediately. Items must be accurately identified by the owner before being returned.
Office telephones are for official school business only. Office telephones are to be used only to facilitate school business or in case of an emergency or illness. The phone in the Attendance office is for emergencies or illness. The student phone is located at the counselling window.Students need to use the telephone on their own time (before or after school or at lunch time) and not during class time.
The information that follows is the same information as above. It is just in the spanish language.