Minutes - February 2021
Minutes for Community Council
Attended: Dr. Thomas Eskelsen, Chair Linda Fonnesbeck Parent
Marcy Poehls (virtual) Vice chair Jacob Kennard Teacher/Counselor
Lenn Ward Principal
Natalie Buschman Parent
Welcome: Dr. Eskelsen Chair
Review last meeting minutes:
Review School Progress Report.
Mr. Ward showed a picture of four students playing the four new trombones that were recently purchased by Trustlands.
The purchase of additional class periods is continuing to be withdrawn each month.
Faculty is going through monthly staff developments and training, to provide updated technology and other academic needs.
Replacement AP Geography books were purchased and being used.
Chromebook program is going well, and lease is continuing.
Several projectors, Chromebooks and other technology needs have been replaced and purchased.
Discussion was held regarding the School Improvement Plan for 2021-2022. The purchase of additional class periods will continue at approximately $40,000. Chromebook lease so that each student will have a Chromebook will continue at $24,000. Technology needs, repairs and replacements and interactive TVs will cost $10,000. Staff Development will cost $1000. The school will continue to use the Americore Student Advocate at a cost to the community council of $4,500. The rest of the cost for Americore with TSSA money. Textbook needs will cost $1,000. Final vote will be held at the March 3rd meeting.
Because of the pandemic and no RISE or ASPIRE testing last spring because of the soft closure, measurements will be based on testing the year before as well as other data that we can use.
Teacher and Student Success Plan was discussed, since parents is a part of the process as well as teachers and administration.
Goal 1
LCSW Mental Health Specialist shared cost $17,000. Student advocate $17,000. Homework Haven $3000, Online credit recovery (Edgenuity) $1,600 LIA, Hope Squad, School activities $1400.
Goal 2 Interactive TV’s $4,200. Ascend Chromebook repairs and replacements. $4000
Dr. Eskelsen thanked everyone for their support and attendance. Meeting adjourned.