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Minutes - May 2013



T.H. Bell Community Council Meeting

May 2, 2013    4:00 PM    Office Conference Room



Those in attendance:  Jodi Brown, Curt Hancock, Patty Camp, Karen Roylance, Curt VandenBosch.       Kim Clarke was excused.

  • Report on training from Paula Plant regarding changes in policies:
    • Changes for School Community Council (SCC) policies and procedures were discussed including a parent majority on the SCC, elections, information on the school's website, and rules of order.
  • Tasks
    • Decide on election timeline - 

The Pros and Cons of holding elections fro spring and fall were discussed.  It was decided by unanimous vote to set the fall as the time for elections.

    • Adopt rules for order and procedure

The SCC looked at the sample rules of order form the state website.  We determined that we wanted simple, clear, and specific rules to adopt.  Jodi Brown will look more closely at the example and will develop a draft of our rules of order over the summer.  She will present the draft to the new council (after fall elections) for approval.

    • Recruitment for parent members

Several people were mentioned as potential council members.  Jodi will contact them and inform them to apply for candidacy if they are interested.  Curt VandenBosch will contact the principals from Roosevelt and Washington Terrace Elementary schools to find names of potential parents of incoming 7th grade students who might be interested.  Those names will be forwarded to Jodi to contact.


Thanks was offered to Curt Hancock who has served as a valuable council member for several terms.


With no other business, the meeting was adjourned.