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Minutes - October 2013



T.H. Bell Community Council Meeting

October 2, 2013    5:30 PM    Office Conference Room



  • Welcome
  • Introductions

Those in attendance:  Karen Roylance, Julie Thorngren, Michelle Smith, Jodi Brown, Brook Winget, Shauna Flinders, Patty Camp, Lenn Ward, Curt VandenBosch

  • Training - The School Community Council (SCC) viewed a training PowerPoint from the USOE/Trust Lands website.
    • Website requirements
    • Chairman duties
  • Election of Chair and Vice Chair

It was moved and seconded and voted on that Shauna Flinders be the Community Council Chairman.  It was moved and seconded in the vote that Michelle Smith be the Community Council Vice Chairman.

  • Overview of School Improvement Plan for this year.

The four goals of this year's school improvement plan were distributed and discussed.

  • 50th year anniversary of the school, T.H. Bell Jr. High, celebration news: 

Details of the upcoming 50th anniversary year of the school and the celebration carnival were presented.

Other:  The yearly meeting schedule was agreed upon.  The SCC will meet the first Wednesday of each month and 4:00 PM in the office conference room (except January - the meeting in January will be held on Jan. 8).  Meetings will be scheduled if there is no business and/or agenda items in a particular month then the meeting may be canceled.

Rules of Order and Procedures were discussed.  Using the sample template (from the USOE website)  Jodi Brown presented a suggested program/document for the SCC to consider.  She will email it to everyone and next meeting we will adopt a set of procedures and rules of order.