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Minutes - March 2012



T.H. Bell Community Council Meeting

March 1, 2012    4:30 PM    Office Conference Room



Those in attendance:  Kim Clark, Karen Roylance, Patty Camp, Shara Smith, Cindy Midgley, Curt VandenBosch, Erica Endo

  • DVD's
    • "Earning for Education"
    • "Touch the Future"

The council viewed these videos.

  • "My School's Cool" 

 Update on progress was given - Thanks to Detra Waikart for arranging the advertisements with Tony Divino Toyota.

  • Applications for funds


    • $2000.00 for music stands was applied for by Mr. Koster.
      • The above application was denied because it didn't fit the literacy/numeracy/technology criteria.


    • $1000.00 for soccer goals was applied for by the Physical Education Dept.
      • The above application was denied because it didn't fit the literacy/numeracy/technology criteria.


    • $250.00 for a new computer was applied for by Mrs. Udink.
      • The above application was denied because it didn't fit the need to be instructional technology.


    • $550.00 for the purchase of an IPAD was applied for by Mr. Womack.
      • The above application was denied because of the lack of district technical support available for IPAD'S as instructional devices.


  • Next Year's plan - due 3/7/12

Four major goals were discussed and approved.  The goals are:

    1. To reduce class size in two core curricular areas by purchasing a planning period of the teachers.
    2. To promote the use and availability of instructional technology.
    3. To provide funds for extra busing for late starts for teacher Planned Learning Communities (PLC's).
    4. To provide funds to purchase materials which promote the common core.

Mr. VandenBosch will finalize the plan and submit it to the state.