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Minutes - September 2012



T.H. Bell Community Council Meeting

September 27, 2012    6:00 p.m.    Office Conference Room



  • Introductions

Those members present:  Curt VandenBosch, Kim Clark, Patty Camp, Jodi Brown, Al Ladeau, Karen Roylance, Curt Hancock

  • What is a Community Council?  Laws

Overview of the School Community Council (SCC)  and laws were discussed.

  • Selection of President and Vice President

Jodi Brown was selected to be President, Robin Merrill was selected to be Vice President.

  • Child Access Routing Plan

The Child Access Routing Plan (CARP) plan was reviewed

  • Calendaring

The second Thursday of the month the SCC will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the office conference room.

  • Overview of School LAND Trust Program 2012-2013

The goals for the year were discussed.

Goal 1:  Students will show progress in Math, Language Arts, and Science. Progress will be measured by standardized tests (where                applicable) and/or other assessments.

Goal 2:  Provide for more use of technology in the classroom and broaden opporunities for students to integrate, explore, and apply                technology.

Goal 3: Teachers will be given more professional development time to enhance Planned Learning Community (PLC) functions.  Teachers will               use the time to generate benchmark assessments which will drive classroom instruction.

Goal 4:  Implementation of common core standards.  Funds will be made available to purchase materials which promote common core                concepts.


Financial status for trust lands money was discussed.  We talked about having students help out with the school website.