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Minutes - November 2008



T.H. Bell Community Council Meeting

November 18, 2008   6:00 PM    Office Conference Room



Community Council members in attendance: Curt VandenBosch, Ken Perkins, Tammy Perkins, Todd Kirk, Al Ladeau, Marianne Hernandez, Parents in attendance: Mike Lawrence

Council members absent:  Kellie Lopaz, Natalie Anderson, Vickie Finlinson

Approval of minutes of last meeting

            Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.  The minutes from all meeting will be posted on the school’s web site. 

Appointment of new parent member – to fill spot by resignation of Jamie Dobson

            With the resignation of Jamie Dobson, a position on the Council was available.  The parent members of the council appointed Todd Kirk to fill the position.

Selection of Chairman and Vice Chairman

            Discussion was made about duties of chairman and vice chairman and the requirements for the positions coming from both the parent group and the faculty group.  Todd Kirk was selected to be the chairman and Ken Perkins was selected to be the vice chairman.

Review of Land Trust Plan

            The committee viewed the official School Trustland website.  We reviewed the 2008-2009 plan for TH Bell Junior.

Land Trust applications

            The council received eight different applications for Trustland monies.  The applications were reviewed.  The committee considered the project and/or material proposed, the amount of money requested and the number of students who would be affected.  The decisions of the committee are as follows.

Applications fully approved:

Applicant                                Project                                     Amount awarded       

Administration                        Purchase of teacher                             726.18

                                                professional development books

Womack/Barrow                     Computer software                             100

Udink                                      Document camera                               600

Folker                                      Document camera                              600

Application partially approved:

Applicant                                Project                                     Amount awarded       

Kelland                                   Reading books for ESL                      200

Math dept.                              Calculators                                         800

Applications denied/tabled:                                       

Applicant                                Project                                     Amount awarded       

Womack/Barrow                     atlas                                                     0

Anderson                                Musical Keyboard                                0*

*Although no money was allocated for the purchase of a new keyboard, Mike Lawrence’s company has offered to repair the damaged keyboard at no cost (an estimated $800 donation).

Letters will be sent to the different applicants with the committee’s decisions.

New Business
