Minutes - February 2018
T.H. Bell Community Council Meeting
February 7, 2018 4:00 PM Office Conference Room
Members Present: Mike Waters - Chairman, TJ Eskelson - Parent, Jennifer Olsen - Parent, Ariana Sears - Teacher, John Richards - Teacher, Lenn Ward – Principal.
Welcome: Mike Waters
Mike Waters: Review minutes from last meeting. The minutes were approved.
Reviewed School Progress Report
Approved LIA class $200 for Hexbot Robotics kits to engage LIA students in their curriculum. Motion passed.
- Reviewed School Progress Report Goal 1: Students will show individual growth and progress in academic achievement in the core curriculum area.
- Our goal is 2-3 percent growth progress and 1-2 percent proficiency.
- We will focus on learner-centered problems (LCPs) which have been identified by collaborative teacher teams (CTTs) using SAGE data throughout the school as a means to track academic student growth.
- Our school wide PLCs will track all academic areas using a school wide EBIS (Evidence Based Instructional Strategy) of Feedback to help close student learning gaps.
- Focus on Academic Areas:
- Reading
- Mathematics
- Writing
- Technology
- Science
- Fine Arts
- Social Studies
- Health
- Foreign Language
- Action Plan Steps:
- Teachers will be given professional development time to enhance PLC Professional Learning Communities) and to implement the school improvement plan.
- Our PLCs will continue to use data from assessments to modify and drive instruction which will enhance and support student learning through school EBIS.
- We will lower class size to help decrease student to teacher ratio.
- We will accomplish this by purchasing additional class periods depending on number of enrollment. $45,851.00
- Our after school tutoring program will continue to help students in core content areas.
- We will hire an additional student advocate to work with and assist/help struggling students in academics.
- Use grad-path program for credit recovery to help students on track for graduation before going to high school.
- Teachers will be given continued professional development to enhance PLC’s, including conferences and workshops to instruct staff on strategies to address learner centered problems (LCP) to further enhance curriculum.
- Trust-land will supply funding to provide student busing for modified school schedules. Up to 12 early outs will be added to the school calendar to promote professional development. $8,400.00
- We will use professional development, including conferences and workshops, to instruct staff on strategies to address our identified learner-centered problems. (LCPs)
- Faculty and staff will further participate in the Assessment to Achievement training with USOE.
- Printing needs for our curriculum. $500.00
- General Supplies (Books and PLC workshop materials $1600.00
- Purchase software as needed for technology reasons. $500.00
- Total: $56,851.00
- Goal 2: Provide improvement and growth of student centered technology in the classroom and increase opportunities for students to integrate, explore, or apply technology within their academic educational experience.
- Action Plan Steps:
- We will update and improve technology as needed.
- With input from teachers, future technology needs will increase.
- Increase Chrome labs as needed.
- Add Canvas. $8,000.00
- Total $64,851.00
- Carry Over $3,063.00
- SCHOOL Improvement Plan 2018-19:
- 2018-19 Estimate 631 students $63,908.00
- Purchase additional class periods to reduce class sizes.
- Additional teacher training for teacher.
- Continue to have a student advocate. $ 45,851.00.
- Busing for students using a modified bus schedule to support our PLC training. $5,400.00
- Weber Online Credit Recovery $2,400.00
- Printing Needs $500.00
- Books and PLC workshop materials $1,700.00
- Purchase Software as needed for technology reasons $500.00
- Music Department instruments $1,000.00
- Technology: Chromebook lease, hardware, Equipment, Access Points, security system $7,000.00
- Total $64,351.00
- Carry Over $2,563.00
- Total $66,914.00
- Any extra money will be spent on technology.
Next Meeting will be March 7th at 4 PM where the signatures will be needed on the Trust-lands Report.
Meeting adjourned.