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Minutes - January 2015



T.H. Bell Community Council Meeting

January 14, 2015    4:00 PM    Office Conference Room



The following School Community Council (SCC) members were present:  Julie Thorngren, Mindy Ludlow, Michelle Smith, Karen Roylance and Curt VandenBosch.  Also in attendance were Lenn Ward and Student Resource Officer (SRO) Tyler Greenhalgh.

  • Follow-up from the last meeting - Videos

 Viewing the required Trust Land videos was briefly discussed.  Everyone on the Council needs to watch the videos.

  • Reunification Plan

 Our Reunification Plan was presented to the SCC.  In the event of an evacuation or crisis a practical method to unite students and parents has been designed.  Our plan is based on the Standard Response Protocol which has been adopted district-wide. Deputy Greenhalgh was able to answer questions regarding the plan.

  • SAGE results

The SAGE results from last year's testing was presented to the SCC.  In this meeting, we briefly discussed our school's strengths and weaknesses.  We also looked at plans and goals relating to testing.

  • Trust Land account

A clerical error from two years ago resulted in having about $8,000.00 more in our Trust Land account than was anticipated.  This resulted in having a large amount of money in the carry over account.  As per state requirements, our planned carry over money should not exceed 10% of the annual endowment.  This additional money was dispersed to other accounts as per our plan.

Transfers of the following amounts int the following accounts from the carry over account were approved.

    • $3,600.00 into Professional and Technical Services
    • $750.00 into Textbooks
    • $1,000.00 into Software
    • $2,500.00 into Instructional Equipment
  • Trust Land applications

Application to purchase 3 SMART boards at approximately $1900.00 each from Instructional Equipment was approved.

Applications to purchase 8 digital recorders at approximately $50.00 each for the Spanish department was approved.