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Minutes - November 2011



T.H. Bell Community Council Meeting

November 4, 2011    6:00 PM    Office Conference Room



Those in attendance: Patty Camp, Curt Hancock, Detra Waikart, Cindy Midgley. Shara Smith, Kim Clarke, Karen Roylance, Curt VandenBosch


  • Final Report Due November 2011

Curt will complete the report and submit it to the state.

  • Information through Media
    • A Matter of Trust - DVD
    • Earning for Education
    • Touch the Future
 Everyone watched the DVD "A  Matter of Trust."  Detra had seen the other two films and commented that "Touch the Future" was very informative and worth watching.  She also felt the DVD, "Earning for Education" was more like an advertisement and not as beneficial as the others.
  • My School's Cool

We discussed ways to promote the program.  We want to ask both Riverdale and Washington Terrace to add a paragraph to their monthly newsletter.  Patty will get with the school secretary, Jayne, to get the exact information. Detra will communicate with Riverdale city council and Shara will communicate with Washington Terrace.

  • Budget

The budget was discussed

  • Application for funds
    • English Dept. Novels - $1000.00 was approved for book club purchases - which may or may not include actual paper products - it may include digital products, i.e. - Kindles or ebooks.
    • Math Lab - $4000.00 was approved to help pay for the "math lab" - our thin client computer lab.  The school is responsible for 3 annual payments of $4000.00.  We anticipate setting this much money aside each year for the next three years.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM