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Gear Up


GEAR UP is an acronym for Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs. 

It is all about helping students succeed and the idea being that they will in the near future go to college.  Gear UP is all about getting students through  real and perceived roadblocks to their success. 

Students have to apply & be admitted to become part of GEAR UP.  For those students that are selected at our school, GEAR UP is completely free.


The Goals for GEAR UP students are:

  • Successfully graduate from high school
  • Understand how to enter, pay for, and succeed in higher education
  • Successfully transition into their first year of college

GEAR UP also has events that you can be a part of.  Check out the upcoming event schedule here.

At our school, Mrs. Rojas is the College Access Adviser and Mrs.Watson is a Tutor/Mentor.  They will be able to fill you in on the details.